Tank Abbott talks about his book and Ken Shamrock
three-year tank wrote his first book, now it is ready for printing. Es trägt den Titel „Befor there were rules“ (Rechtschreibung Absicht) und ist mit 688 Seiten ein überraschend umfangreiches Werk geworden. Im 24-Stunden Radiomarathon von Sherdog am vergangenen Freitag war er zu Gast und sprach über die Hintergründe. „Nur ein Narr glaubt, man könne ein Wort lediglich auf eine Weise buchstabieren“, zitiert er Thomas Jefferson, „und liest man mein Buch, so wird man feststellen, dass ich mich dieser Weisheit eng verbunden fühle“. Als „Rocky auf Steroiden, nur viel verrückter“ und „eigentümlich geschrieben“ beschreibt Abbott sein Buch, für das er bislang noch keinen Verleger gefunden hat.
He had everything written by hand in his local pub and it was mainly drunk. The past few months, he had typed the manuscripts in his computer. For his last few fights he has limited the booze on the weekends for the next fight he wanted to "apart from the Super Bowl weekend," even remain abstinent. Who knows
tank knows that the trained historian, the Verona Feldbusch roll only mimes. Whenever he is asked about his university degree, it detracts from the subject, all clever marketing.
Prior to joining the professional sport, he had gone with colleagues constantly Sauftouren and saw all the karate dojo scoured to fight. No one had, however, want to create with him. "I was fighting in pubs and on the road." This time before the UFC is the center of the book.
then put the hosts Jeff Sherwood and Greg Savage a few questions to future plans tanks. "The last fight did not go according to plan, but I feel that 2009 will be my year," he said with a little convincing and persuasive. On 13 February, he confronts the former "King of the Cage" to champion Michael Bourke. This won only 2 of his last 11 fights and is a fitting match for the tank. On the same fight card will be Ken Shamrock compete against Bo Cantrell. The two MMA-grandpa will then meet in April. Tank continues: "Every time when we should fight, Shamrock had some excuse or an alleged violation. We all know what Tito did to him. Let's find out what is real, Huntington Beach Bad Boy cause '. "
Greg Savage spoke out finally what all listeners probably thought: "The fight against Bourke interest me at all, because it is not relevant. We want to see you against Shamrock. "
This struggle, too, is irrelevant to today's MMA world, but does have historical value and is definitely a fair heading two fighters, who are sacked as it were.
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