XARM - Extreme Arm Wrestling
Art Davie, Co-Gründer der UFC, ist der Erfinder dieses neuen „Sports“. Wer „Yamma Pit Fighting“ für eine idiotische Idee hielt, der sollte sich bei Bob Meyrowitz entschuldigen und ihm einen Kuchen backen.
Davie beschreibt den „Sport“ als eine Mischung aus Armdrücken, Kickboxen und Jiu-Jitsu. Die „Kampfarena“ ist ein 70x40cm großer Tisch, an den die Kämpfer gelehnt sind. Es gibt keinerlei Bewegungsspielraum, da die Kontrahenten mit ihrem Armgelenk aneinander gefesselt und über die Hüfte am Tisch fixiert sind. Ein Kampf dauert 3 mal 1 Minute, mit einer Minute Pause zwischen den Runden. Die Regeln ähneln prinzipiell den „unified rules“ im MMA. Schläge, Tritte, Ellbogen, Knie, Aufgabengriffe wie Armbars sind erlaubt, dazu noch eine Prise Armdrücken. Die Kürze der Runden liege an der Intensität, welche keine längere Dauer ermögliche. Ein Münzwurf entscheidet jeweils über den gefesselten Arm, welcher rundenweise gewechselt wird. Es werden reguläre MMA-Handschuhe benutzt. Wahlweise werden Schuhe getragen oder es wird barfuß gekämpft, wobei man selbst mit Schuhen kicken darf. Ringrichter ist Cal Worsham, UFC-Veteran und Ex-Marine.
Der Kampf wird entschieden durch KO, Submission oder Punktentscheid. Stehen beide Kontrahenten at the end of the fight, the judges decide according to the known "10-point must system". The winner will acquire 10 points and the loser 9 or less, depending on hit ratio and efficiency. The biggest joke is the influence of arm wrestling, which is hardly available. A "pin", so the real fight is one decision at arm wrestling, arm-in X only ½ point. To achieve a pin, to press the fighters back of the hand of his opponent on the table and keep muttering to the judges "a thousand and one" - that any five syllables word like "Blueberry Pancakes" - and then blow in her whistle. However, it took to the semifinals before someone realized how to win a fight with pins. Submissions to work just as questionable. Then an arm bar closed and are not counted if the arm is in danger of breaking - no comment.
being, there is the heavyweight division, where it is likely to remain well. Since two bimbos cut alternately on his face, the heavy weight of the main assets.
The previously committed fighters are mainly known from "Gladiator Challenge" and the "International Kick Boxing Federation. A certain Homer Moore is promoted as a former UFC fighter, whose only appearance in the Octagon against Evan Tanner was a defeat. Known, however, is likely to be any MMA fan Gary Goodridge. That veteran, presented at UFC 8 as the man who defeated one evening in the 200 Japanese arm wrestling. It seems only a kind of coach.
That it is not a sport, but an extremely brutal fight Bars, to be explained is not large. The concept is designed to the morbid interest of testosterone charged men between 14 and 30 years, whether its one-dimensionality but threatens to sink quickly. For a brief, entertaining evening with pals XARM but offers wonderful entertainment.
For more information: www.xarm.com
The fights will be broadcast free on Ripe TV online (links to xarm.com).
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