Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where To Hang Screech

Blue Hour

... in Franzinellis Küche: Draußen in der krachend kalten Dämmerung leuchtet einsam Nachbars kleines Tannenbäumchen, drinnen ist es lekker warm und gemütlich und Franzinellis mittenmang beim Nähen und Bügeln. Herrlich. Das sind die allerschönsten Momente eisiger Wintertage!

Genäht haben wir diesen Kinderzimmer-Allzwecksack aus einem funkelnagelneuen Baumwollstoff mit Eulen. Zum Jahresbeginn we just have to always have new my stash! There
the sack it off today here us.

And then we'll be sure to show you something, that was today in the mail , namely this:

Our tickets to London!
Since we're thrifty Frank Ellis, we can book as far in advance, so the trip is still a little while back. Where indeed the anticipation is half the fun is well known.
very calm way, is "carbon neutral" expression, are not you? Although one but secretly asks, what may come from the power outlet for the train home ...


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