(Did I already mention that GLEE starts tonight; D?)
Um, but now the actual topic:
giving away the time STYLIGHT (click!) of their now quite well known become Hotpicks - Action ...
why I had to join because of course the same again! ^___^ Maybe this game being even something for the lords of creation (the scarf if necessary one can still give to her friend * haha *)
an SLR!
Ahhhhhh * * wildimkreisgaloppier
circle scarf FREE for all participants!
why I had to join because of course the same again! ^___^ Maybe this game being even something for the lords of creation (the scarf if necessary one can still give to her friend * haha *)
for the competition must announce to his favorite trends and labels for the new 2011 is what I then also once do:)
♥ HOT TREND 2011 ♥
"Burlesque Fascinators"
designer: Janine Basil @ etsy |
hats, double rings, lots of jewelry
& moderately Color + Pattern
♥ ♥ HOT LABEL 2011
label: minimarket.se |
"mini market / mini for many"
Unusual cuts and color schemes, the Swedish sisters Sofie, Jennifer and Pernilla Elvestedt produce under their label since 2006.
you want to participate and steal my camera? 3
Then doing here in the action with:
Liebs Grüßli,
Your Glitter Pony
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