Friday, March 4, 2011

34weeks Pregnant Sharp Pain Near Belly Button

other day when the exiles ...

As we reported our exiles, that we leave for demnäxt The Capital of Cool, would there were long faces and piqued the question of what probably would be better with London than in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Just kidding, of course. But we just had a little time for a little relaxing weekend on the outskirts of France and made us so on the Sokken.

We admit it: a whole afternoon we spent at the Super U on the French side of the Rhine. After all, you always lacking at home all the goodies that our Western Neighbors come carelessly at the weekly shopping in their cars. Frank Ellis sacked the wine shelves and quarreled with the selection of cheese, sausage and confit, and since then no matter how awful lot of time was up for dinner, there was first of all a small Versperplatte à la belle France. Needless to say that the fact no one's appetite in some way been affected ...

hiking we had the other day in the beautiful Little Red Riding Hood forest, but a small snack we had of course here, including some bottles of wine ...

If you stay the way again in the near Baden-Baden and is a beautiful day and you just fancy a trip: Hike along the creek on the coarse Geroldsau waterfall and from there to Bütthof . Gentry, because it is comfortable! And there are blueberry wine, one must have tried, honest! To this end, it smells almost unglaublich gut nach Käsefondue, so daß man auf der Stelle Pläne für´s Wiederkommen schmiedet…

Und außerdem:

Dieser Tage fanden wir, wir müßten uns mal wieder etwas für die Puuten einfallen lassen und haben ein paar neue Würfel gemacht. So sehen sie aus ganz traditionell in Rosa und Blau:

to have, they are now in Shop !


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