Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Age Of Empires 1 Downlod

Speechless with happiness ...

... Frank Ellis was today when the mail came. The extra Brieträger had to ring, because a fat envelope dikker did not fit in the box. And all we found it:

Schnikkes & Beautiful ornaments, collected by an incredible love Dawanda Girlfriend! Such a surprise, without a birthday is really fantastic and wir haben uns ein Bein abgefreut! Fühle Dich ganz ganz fest gedrückt, liebste Annette! Du hast uns wirklich unseren Tag vergoldet!

Bigboobs With High Heels

Back from the big sandbox

Einen Tag hat es doch gebraucht, mich von 38 Stunden Wachsein 
(Nachtflug und Warten auf Anschlussflug)
zu erholen.

Und es geht frisch ans Werk  - wobei: zugegebenermaßen weniger als Nähen und Sticken.
Die letzten Näh-Aufträge arbeite ich bis morgen noch weg.

Und dann ändert sich vieles.

Bis zum Jahresende ist jedoch mein Träller-Kalender binnen der letzten beiden Wochen überraschend prall gefüllt und die Lädchen werden (leider) weiterhin nur noch mit fertigen, nicht aber mit gesondert anzufertigenden Dingen bestückt 

a "push" in the job I so not have expected (at the time),
it can be quiet here on the machines.

must also now truly a permanent child care since
have the husband here with their irregular relief services.

organized as possible from the place, possibly mobile, as flexible as possible
as nice and competent, reliable and good.

The finding them is not as easypeasy as hoped.
The surrounding agencies do something so outrageously high fees for their "prefetch"
that I am relies on the pants.

: (

The grandmother has been and continues to the rescue in time of need, but also hundreds of miles must always arrive and leave and also has its own life and no longer the forces of a 40-year for the beet

friends. -parents, we strain already beyond measure and can lack of time to return so little.

But an au pair?

But can the only work so many hours, not several days stay in one piece with the kids alone.
Needs a room (annoying but would), it costs less money than take the 400-Euro-nanny (great), but you have what's mean and it can also go wrong (stupid).


I am currently very confused and frustrated. .! (

Monday, March 7, 2011

Period Sensitivity To Pain

This precious drink ... ...

… gab es gestern bei Franzinellis und wie gut auch, daß reichlich davon im Kühlschrank lag…

… denn das Wetter war herrlich und der Karnevalszug vor unserer Tür lang, very long!

coffee and donuts in front and of course we had all sorts of gadgets from the Department Schnikkes & carnival decoration ...

Today we need to relax a bit and maybe a half hour of the Cologne Carnival watch on TV. Or maybe not, depending ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ovarian Cyst Cramps Menstrual


... or potato salad is part of our Carnival Sunday as the carnival parade. And because the bei uns vor der Haustür vorbeigeht, können Sie sich denken, daß wir beliebte Gastgeber sind. Selbstredend trifft sich die ganze Familie, zum Kaffee gibt es Krapfen und Marmeladeteilchen, die extra am Sonntagmorgen frisch gebacken werden, und am Ende darf ein umfangreiches Abendessen nicht fehlen. Wichtigster Bestandteil: Äpelschlot! Neben Nudelschlot un Herringsstipp un Wööschje un Kies un jet Bruut (Nudelsalat und Heringssalat und Würstchen und Käse und etwas Brot.).
Wir verstehen, wenn Sie sich jetzt mit Schaudern abwenden, allerdings müssen Sie bedenken, daß ein Karnevalstag im Rheinland ziemlich anstrengend sein kann: Der Alkohol fließt inStrömen, one meets the road and in every carnival Hans and Franz and a bit chilly when we finally returned back into the house, one is grateful for some hearty dishes that ignite a new. It's not as bad as it sounds. Or perhaps we are simply accustomed to Rhinelander.

Our Äpelschlot any case of the girdles: need a piece of good pork sausage and homemade Mayo necessarily in!

And because the production takes some time ...

... and the whole thing should run through the night ...

... we have our bowl already prepared.
Tomorrow night we have to cover virtually the only table!

How and where ever you spend your days of carnival: We do in any case a really good time!

Oh ...
... if you want to know how to pronounce the word:
with Ä at the beginning of a long
and an open, O Rhine stretched at the end.
Alaaf un garbage op!

Friday, March 4, 2011

34weeks Pregnant Sharp Pain Near Belly Button

other day when the exiles ...

As we reported our exiles, that we leave for demnäxt The Capital of Cool, would there were long faces and piqued the question of what probably would be better with London than in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Just kidding, of course. But we just had a little time for a little relaxing weekend on the outskirts of France and made us so on the Sokken.

We admit it: a whole afternoon we spent at the Super U on the French side of the Rhine. After all, you always lacking at home all the goodies that our Western Neighbors come carelessly at the weekly shopping in their cars. Frank Ellis sacked the wine shelves and quarreled with the selection of cheese, sausage and confit, and since then no matter how awful lot of time was up for dinner, there was first of all a small Versperplatte à la belle France. Needless to say that the fact no one's appetite in some way been affected ...

hiking we had the other day in the beautiful Little Red Riding Hood forest, but a small snack we had of course here, including some bottles of wine ...

If you stay the way again in the near Baden-Baden and is a beautiful day and you just fancy a trip: Hike along the creek on the coarse Geroldsau waterfall and from there to Bütthof . Gentry, because it is comfortable! And there are blueberry wine, one must have tried, honest! To this end, it smells almost unglaublich gut nach Käsefondue, so daß man auf der Stelle Pläne für´s Wiederkommen schmiedet…

Und außerdem:

Dieser Tage fanden wir, wir müßten uns mal wieder etwas für die Puuten einfallen lassen und haben ein paar neue Würfel gemacht. So sehen sie aus ganz traditionell in Rosa und Blau:

to have, they are now in Shop !

Thursday, March 3, 2011

When Begins Huntik Season 2?

desert Greetings II

Last week Qatar

enough now

After 2 weeks one here has seen so pretty much everything that is reasonably interesting
photos to do whatever the. same - high-rise buildings, sea, colleagues or something .... Arab

Another time at the Souq was nice and entertaining

fascinating was the carpet weavers

4th - 6 months until he is ready.

water pipes.

dessert buffet.

landmark: the Pearl

Cultural Village

Villagio - shopping mall with Venice from papier mache,
also Heaven is not real. :)

with gondolas. Of course!

Had we had the beach from the Four Seasons over,
where we were yesterday drinking cocktails,

here ... I would have held out even longer.

But without a pool and sea and no chance to come freely and without any money to beach in the city, it was not really overwhelming and it should have been even a week.

Today is on my list are the Islamic Museum, an evening game of bowling and beach tomorrow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nokia E71 Everytime Flash Camera

desert greetings

After four days of Qatar I say:

Doha hochfazinierend, this culture is totally alien to me but yet extremely demanding.

between caftans and burkas, there is much to experience and participate in watching I let you. :)


view from my room - 24.Stock - on the golf

playground with WLAN * gg *

Doha Towers

Cultural Villiage with
amphitheatres, opera house, theater, 3-year-old orchestra

Open since December - the theater in the Cultural Village
(but no one really knows anyway ... hmm ...)

With box.

Tonight we were on the Souq

house by the chef.