Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Soul Silver Mac Rom Desmume

Last - Minute - DIY Christmas ideas for little money

So I do not know how it behaves in your sparkling Goldbeutelchen but there in my empty void. Of course, it's like every year. Christmas is coming unexpectedly on 24 by snow and even if you have already got together a few gifts still missing a little something or other, although one is already in debt up to the new year * haha *


Some candy can be prepared in no time, which is on Christmas, of course, very handy;)

♥ poison - in - a - Jar
This great idea comes from America and works as follows: All dry ingredients (for a be cake or a chocolate drink for example) in a pretty glass layered over each other and then with a pretty sticker versehen auf das man die Zubereitungshinweise schreibt.

Das ganze sieht dann z.B. so aus (klickt auf die Bilder für die Rezepte)

Hier gibt es eine tolle Website mit zahlreichen Ideen und fertigen Etiketten zum ausdrucken und aufkleben:

♥Trinkschokolade selbermachen (Benötigt: Schoki/ Kuvertüre Optional: Aroma, Gewürze z.B. Zimt/Chili, Marshmellows)

von der lieben Jaminar

♥ Chocolate-covered fruit, such as the Christmas market (Required: fruit / chocolate + deco)



first Melt chocolate in a bain second A little to cool and then fruit on a skewer or so dive in third chocolate the chocolate has set a bit, with chocolate sprinkles, coconut flakes or the like bestreuen solange die Schokolade noch ein wenig weich ist 4. auf Folie oder Pergamentpapier fest werden lassen bzw. nach einiger Zeit in den Kühlschrank stellen

♥ Tee - Selektion (Benötigt: Teebeutel, Tonpapier, kl. Schachtel)

1. Sucht euch eure Lieblingstees zusammen und entfernt die Etiketten von dem Strippchen. 2. Schneidet eure eigenen kleinen Etiketten aus Tonpapier aus und tackert oder klebt sie an die Strippen. 3. Verstaut die kleinen Beutelchen in einem Karton.


written a real card is of course much better than a whining Christmas e-card. Therefore engages with the people that mean something I prefer to paper and pen. ♥

Still looking for the right card can, for example, download for free from the Canon Creative Park beautiful templates. Very few people know of this site, set to the numerous Japanese artists demonstrate their skills.
Copyright: @ Accroche canon creative park

Copyright: Katsuyuki Shiga (PinoArt) @ canon creative park
All Rights to these two pictures above belong to Canon



Many great ideas can be found on (click). For example, the above is a good template for all the ribbon snippets have accumulated in heaps.

star of white paper not only recall the childhood of every little ponies, but are also easy and cheap to produce and decorate even newspaper - and wrapping paper;)

Who would have thought it possible? They really do exist! can pre-design International experts "wrapping ° _Ö


online is very pretty paper stars on this charming Seite.

Was werdet Ihr verschenken?
Habt Ihr schon alle Geschenke?
Bastelt Ihr auch gerne?

♥ Fröhliche Feiertage ♥
Euer Glitzerpony


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