Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie2 Vol3

Advent, Advent .... Rudolf runs

beloved Christmas ponies,

suitable for the 2 Advent here are a few ideas (maybe even as a little gift?), As one with the "slightly different" pastry can bring Christmas joy:) would like

Presentation I you namely Dearest creations by the talented Ella Baker:

Ella Baker, the pseudonym of an accomplished cake baker magic, prefer so-called 'cake balls', ie cake balls.

These consist of very few ingredients! So very convenient to all the bakers also stressed Christmas conjure up at the last second ;)

♥ ♥ crumbled cake
frosting / cream

I found their ideas just so super sweet that I you here as an example just the sweet Rudolfo had to present! But Baker Ella a lot more great things has to offer (including the recipes, just click below on the thumbnails!)

All pictures belong to

Auch eine hübsche Idee mit kleineren Geschwistern oder anderen zwergwüchsigen Anverwandten (weil kein Backen notwendig ist, wenn man fertigen Kuchen nimmt und Matschepampe machen ja jeder toll findet *hihi* )

Ich wünsche Euch noch einen schönen 2. Advent! Seid kreativ, kauft nicht zu viel fertiges Zeug *miep*

Es grüßt Euch ganz lieb,
Euer Glitzerpony


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