Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Age Of Empires 1 Downlod

Speechless with happiness ...

... Frank Ellis was today when the mail came. The extra Brieträger had to ring, because a fat envelope dikker did not fit in the box. And all we found it:

Schnikkes & Beautiful ornaments, collected by an incredible love Dawanda Girlfriend! Such a surprise, without a birthday is really fantastic and wir haben uns ein Bein abgefreut! Fühle Dich ganz ganz fest gedrückt, liebste Annette! Du hast uns wirklich unseren Tag vergoldet!

Bigboobs With High Heels

Back from the big sandbox

Einen Tag hat es doch gebraucht, mich von 38 Stunden Wachsein 
(Nachtflug und Warten auf Anschlussflug)
zu erholen.

Und es geht frisch ans Werk  - wobei: zugegebenermaßen weniger als Nähen und Sticken.
Die letzten Näh-Aufträge arbeite ich bis morgen noch weg.

Und dann ändert sich vieles.

Bis zum Jahresende ist jedoch mein Träller-Kalender binnen der letzten beiden Wochen überraschend prall gefüllt und die Lädchen werden (leider) weiterhin nur noch mit fertigen, nicht aber mit gesondert anzufertigenden Dingen bestückt 

a "push" in the job I so not have expected (at the time),
it can be quiet here on the machines.

must also now truly a permanent child care since
have the husband here with their irregular relief services.

organized as possible from the place, possibly mobile, as flexible as possible
as nice and competent, reliable and good.

The finding them is not as easypeasy as hoped.
The surrounding agencies do something so outrageously high fees for their "prefetch"
that I am relies on the pants.

: (

The grandmother has been and continues to the rescue in time of need, but also hundreds of miles must always arrive and leave and also has its own life and no longer the forces of a 40-year for the beet

friends. -parents, we strain already beyond measure and can lack of time to return so little.

But an au pair?

But can the only work so many hours, not several days stay in one piece with the kids alone.
Needs a room (annoying but would), it costs less money than take the 400-Euro-nanny (great), but you have what's mean and it can also go wrong (stupid).


I am currently very confused and frustrated. .! (