Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crankshaft Rebuilding

Contest @ Glitter Pony: A starry shade for the dark season

Liebste Ponys es ist soweit!

Die Zeit der Helloween-Kürbisse und Laternen ist gekommen und Euer Glitzerpony veranstaltet sein erstes Gewinnspiel zusammen mit den lieben Leuten von getdigital.de ! ♥ Wer hat nicht schon immer davon geträumt seinen eigenen aufklappbaren Sternenhimmel dabei zu haben? Mit diesem LED-Schirm ist das kein Problem everything! Instant-kitsch romance is guaranteed as well as the envious glances of the surrounding umbrella holder. The white LED lights have 2 bulbs programs, but can also be turned off completely ♥

original product description for getdigital.de: CLICK HERE!
Also very recommendable if you still looking for Christmas gifts, this page is here:

How does the competition?
a will regular reader my blog when it is you do not already (which means you should take a right in the sidebar friend at google-connect or networked blogs login from Facebook)

2 Reported on your blog about the competition and linked it with the entry (picture may use their love of this page). Very glad you are allowed to the competition's also in your sidebar.
If you have a blog have , you let off the report, reports to you but please still described at 1.

3 write a comment to this blog entry with your nickname (so I can see who you are among my regular readers), your e-mail address and the link to your blog report about this competition or to give that you did not have a blog.

Who is NOT an adult still needs the approval of parents to participate!

Only those who meet the above criteria, takes part in the competition.
The winner will be drawn and published on the blog or be informed via mail.

The contest ends on
Sunday, 7 November 2010
at 23:59

Here is the screen in action:

I wish you good luck and take part in fun!

Thanks to the team of getdigital.de


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