Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nokia E71 Everytime Flash Camera

desert greetings

After four days of Qatar I say:

Doha hochfazinierend, this culture is totally alien to me but yet extremely demanding.

between caftans and burkas, there is much to experience and participate in watching I let you. :)


view from my room - 24.Stock - on the golf

playground with WLAN * gg *

Doha Towers

Cultural Villiage with
amphitheatres, opera house, theater, 3-year-old orchestra

Open since December - the theater in the Cultural Village
(but no one really knows anyway ... hmm ...)

With box.

Tonight we were on the Souq

house by the chef.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Howto Make A Dartboad Stand

fellow treasure-No. No. 9

Our tickets for London be quite a while here in the drawer. And it is unfortunately not the case that we start tomorrow. However, we do not really belong to the most patient and we yearn for the day on which we can trot early with our suitcase in hand to the station. why we thought about ourselves that we could open in the meantime, even a treasure chest of colleagues on the topic, to bridge, so to speak.
re very beautiful, what we found in the Dawanda colleagues, matching the subject. Kukk Look, our

Kollegen-Schatzkästlein No. 9 "London"

Alle Produkte bei Dawanda

a - chain MR DARCY LONDON of segnalibro

2 - London Cat Blue of Petras-Patch Workshop

7 - vinegar antique bottle of Fruehlingbitte

8 - brooch badge Bulldog of clovercoeur

And besides

We have to show you once we have made over the weekend for a very dear customer:

This set of two wooden boxes with lids and an XXL-children-purpose bag with Rosettchen has Jana from have liked. We have a little back-hergemailt and thought about paper patterns and sizes, and finally came out these three nice things. The boxes are the way in matching outfits, one for Jana and one for Bébé. Sweet, right?
We will now make a thank you and apologize in advance Deckelbox for the great suggestion, dear Jana!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is My Pinky Broken Or Jammed

carnival. 2

No, no, Frank Ellis are not included in the Carnival fever! Honestly do not! But fish and fish came the other day night very happy and slightly deranged from their carnival meeting followed by a party home, and because we thought it could not be wrong for a few small preparations meet the not-wide carnival Sunday. So we made a nice decoration set with which we adorn our kitchen, when the time comes. If you have this kind of demand - even if you Carnival Carnival is - Sticker, garlands and confetti Credits can be found from now here .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nick Jonas At The Hospital

I did it, I got him

and can not believe it!

Even before two years I have driven China and Japan contacts
in the madness: D Because it just is not so easy to get.
replacement parts anyway.

Since last summer, I watch and watch and watch and sell and sell and be outbid again, and finally ....

From Timbuktu it is, but no matter.

3 - 2 - 1 - mine!

way ... What?


... only in bright blue! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is A Bloody Nose A Sign Of Herpes

Dressed up * edited *

Mrs. Rieger has again swung the pen and thought little fine things.

Before my little blonde brain but has finished reading, that there may be applications * * clap front, embroidered
the stickies have the funny bunny shirt - no matter:

on Hasi quietschgrün fleece.
Nevertheless, a feast for the eyes! :)

The cotton fabric is from points here ,
coated and almost cried then to be a multicolored Schlabberlatz. :)
rubbed the back.

Hasi can, of course, a fun Klamöttchen tragen, hier seht ihr,
wie es sich in rosa Vichy-Schale schmeisst und HIER  hat Anke etwas derart GRANDIOSES daraus gezaubert, ich ziehe meinen Hut! WOW!

Ich habe dem kleinen Schnuggi das Aufrüschen in völliger Gedankenlosigkeit unterschlagen.
Sorry, Hasi! ;)

Isser nicht süß?
Ich könnte den ja echt ÜBERALL draufsticken!! *gg*

Das gleiche gilt für Mme. Katze und Monsieur Igel in mutigem Lüüüla, die sich wenigstens Hand in Hand aneinander wärmen können, wenn Frau Trällertrulla sie sich schon klamöttchenlos frieren lässt.
Und das bei diesem fiesen Bibberwetter da draussen.... Tzzz!

Gelandet sind sie auf einer RV-Kramtasche für Kram-Mädels wie mich, die ihren Mädelskram immer in Taschen und Täschlein verschwinden lassen müssen. :)

Die Dressed Up-Kollektion gibt es ab Donnerstag, 17.2.2011 bei Anja Rieger im Shop .

Da könnt ihr dann auch sehen, wie es aussieht,
wenn die kleinen Schnuggels ihre Sommerkleider vorführen.

Danke, daß ich probesticken durfte! :)

4.44 Uhr klingelt der Wecker. Wie gemein!

Wir sehen uns in Leipzig! :)

LG, Sandra

Monday, February 14, 2011

Margarita Bucket Mix Recipe

owls love - love owls

Diese beiden verliebten Eulen feiern 
auch Valentinstag.

Bestimmt! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Terrifying Large Women

Carnival ... ... Today they were

… rückt unaufhaltsam näher, und wir müssen wieder einmal feststellen, daß wir dieser Angelegenheit zwiespältig gegenüber stehen.

Zwar sind Franzinellis in the wool dyed Rhinelander, and no celebration of the way to go. On the other hand, the Rhineland carnival so many horrible aspects that one has to think twice about where to join has to be.
until Carnival Sunday, on which meet the whole family, anzukukken to the doorstep of the local train and then thoroughly in the kitchen to celebrate, it is still quite a while back. Previously, for example, two of us go to a carnival meeting. And what does one do there? Right. A costume. Our two Frank Ellis go as fishermen and fish. Yes, you heard right. Since no one here with a habit bought ready costume, had some ragged be nailed together. And here is because of habit started quite late with everything, it gradually pushes: Next Thursday should be finished this thing. The fisherman had it relatively easy and has its act together already. The fish-in-law brought the contrast Sunday to that, stick to hundreds of rhinestones on a self-colored gown with sewn fish also self-sewn Glitter fin and a charge to attach sequins. An enchanting work, you may believe. The result is not entirely convinced, so we mentioned it to you for the time being in love. And there is another kink in the shape of the ordered satin shoes tongue out of the theater dispatch, so far nicht geliefert sind. Der Donnerstag ist ja noch fern, aber die Pootschen müssen noch fischgrün eingefärbt werden…

Sie sehen also, mit welchen Schwierigkeiten der engagierte Karnevalist zu kämpfen hat. Mutter Franzinelli hat sich übrigens dieses Jahr ein sehr schönes Clownkostüm aus verschieden Karostoffen genäht. Obwohl erstaunlich zeitig damit begonnen wurde, ist es erst jetzt, nach vielen hysterischen Ausbrüchen und der helfenden Hand einer im Nähen begabten Freundin, now finished, even with matching Karohütchen. Pap Frank Romanelli, as always in an ancient frock coat, who in the twenties once heard a conductor. The associated Bibi is not nearly as old, but looks definitely wear out after several degenerate. Pap, however, has already announced that he will put him in it again this year and we therefore do not need to come up with a new one!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Maunt And Bladefor Ps2

12 of 12 from HAMBURG - better late than never!

A WE, where I realized how much I take out of the country Blogger. :)

turnips 2 will get rolls

9.00 clock appointment with the hairdresser favorite

turnip 1 shortly, turnip will want 2 long.

next way: in the favorite child care

Mama goes shopping the first thing most extensively and followed the advice of Mrs. Hamburger love

Man met everywhere. * Gg * (The books are by the way great great great !!!!!)

Next Size:)

fish on Saturday, to paraphrase Mrs. Rieger

rainbow cake (seen 3 weeks with Mrs. Pimpinella )
for the neighbors and ex-neighbor children Horde

Incl. Persian favorite pastries from the Long line . Leak first!

gift for your favorite neighborhood children who leave their beloved north now prefer to Baden and forget their roots should not. :)

Here I was thinking? She knows. :)

Click here to woman jug Secretary

Thanks! :) Join

LG, Sandra

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Marriage Letter From Priest


Thank you for it!

70 Preishungrige darf Mr.Random nun auswählen - 

ich hoffe, Ihr seid einverstanden, denn
so geht es am schnellsten. ;)

Aber nun!




geht an

SEEI woman!

My heartiest congratulations!


- and no less beautiful -

The Michael Miller fabric Gnome Ville

was won by

and behind it hides




And last but not least is the

third to award prizes

award-stamp plus ribbon



and that is



am very doll me for the 3 winners and ask for an e-mail (in my profile) with the address, then send him or shall Ines also like to pick up. * How funny *:)

THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING'S and I'm looking forward to a future GIVE-AWAY PROMOTIONS here with me - a new opportunity, new luck. ;)

I snatch my 7 things now, after the children and am looking forward to MOST BEAUTIFUL city in the world ! :)

PS: Tomorrow is but actually 12 of 12 How beautiful! :)