Saturday, November 27, 2010

Buy Golden Desert Eagle Toy

REPORT: I'm addicted ...

Source: flickr user: X-ray delta one / editing: Glitter Pony

namely from StumbleUpon (click). I eigetlich hardly "vice" and I do not drink like Alk, I do not smoke and drugs I needed to now do not necessarily ... (Chocolate is solely my personal kryptonite * haha *) with StumbleUpon but you can spend hours!

In Germany, this site is still relatively unknown, while on the American side the small Stumble! Button can locate almost on every page.


StumbleUpon (in German: "stumble over something") is a search engine, but not in the familiar sense. From hundreds of different Topics examined here is out his preferences (eg Astrophysics, toast, Internet Nerds - there is everything) and then spits out a suitable StumbleUpon on selected areas page that has been characterized by others as well.

/ / / HOW DO I USE StumpleUpon?

  1. get in touch on the page:
  2. Choose your preferences in the settings
  3. pressed the Stumble! Button in your browser's menu bar (where you can pre-select a particular topic or stumble on good luck)

Die Seiten die Stumble ausspuckt, egal zu welchem Thema, wurden vorab bewertet. Es sind Favoriten und haben deswegen eine sehr hohe Qualität. Neben vielen super lustigen Sachen die man auf Stumble finden kann, gibt es auch sehr viele, im Web gut versteckte Angebote, für den Unialltag. Ich habe schon ganze digitalisierte Museumsdörfer gefunden (ebenso wie Krümelmonster Muffins). Das Angebot ist ultra facettenreich! Für Nerds, Fischer und Akademiker sowie alle anderen gilt: Prädikat besonders wertvoll ; )

Fundstücke aus dem WWW mit StumbleUpon!

Grandiose Zitate:

He bested the heroes, killed the defenders, overtook the world. Then he killed the narrator and he was the villain no more.   (
'Perspective' by vijayendra mohanty
Quelle: espressostories )

Wunderschöne Kurzfilme:

A Thousand Words from Ted Chung on Vimeo .

Geniale Bastelanleitungen:

pop up flower
Uploaded by Lacomida . - Discover more creative videos.

After I had made Mr. Pony already subject, I wish you lots of fun with your new addiction!
(And do not forget the pony ranch Stumble evaluate good)

* hihi *

Dearest greetings, your Glitter Pony
PS: Have fun at the Christmas market;)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Diagram Of The Digital Camera

Style Queens: Amelia Arsenic - The Beauty of Destruction

Ui, I'm currently really in distress; therefore, a pony-Pardon for the long abstinence ♥

Since November it has become, I thought it would be nice again to elect a "new most beautiful woman in the world" (or Miss November:) * haha *) Suitable for dark times of year, so a slightly darker Beauty Queen (all pictures are from ):

Amelia Arsenic (also known as destroyx, Blog: ) creates I think the difficult balancing act between demanding fetish fashion, gothic-strikes and the appearance of a real lady .

And now comes the bomb! This time was pretty short notice home in Berlin! Arrrg! Meanwhile, she lives in New York, but she plans to return to Europe.

Auch diese Frau ist ein Mulitalent par excellence. Sie betreibt ihre eigene Modemarke SHOP Miss X Aesthetic Laboratories (klick!) , wo man ihre wunderbaren Schmuckkreationen und Schminke erstehen kann. Der Schmuck ist deswegen ziemlich interessant, weil Mademoiselle eine besondere Vorliebe für Typographie hat und sich das auch in ihren Designs niederschlägt.Man nehme z.B. diese hübschen, wenn auch sehr teueren, Ketten:

Ich hoffe, ihr hattet Spaß an dem Beitrag!

Euer Glitzerpony ♥

Alle Bilder dieses Beitrags sind vom Blog Amelia Arsenics

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kontos Cocktail Flatbread Recipes

And the Winner is ......

So meine liebsten Ponys : )

Die Gewinnerin steht endlich fest und alle Hibbelei hat endlich ein Ende! Die Jackpot - Maschine (hab sie auf anderen Blogs gesehen und hab dieses Losprinzip einfach mal übernommen ) hat entschieden, dass die liebe



(you've already sent a mail if you got nothing to comment here again! Everything else is in the mail!)

To all the other ponies out there, do not be sad, I hope I will soon again be able to hold a fine contest ♥

Many thanks again to the dear people of for the great support!

dearest greetings
Your Glitter Pony

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Convert A Gas Starter Fireplace

Sweepstakes - MANIA!

You're crazy! (Of course, only in the positive sense) ♥ XD

41 people took part in my contest! And I thank you all for your enthusiastic participation doll!

The winner will be announced tomorrow HERE

(she / he / it here named, and already written to them again from me, the income execution will run exclusively on - means I get no address or something to see of you)

Sorry that tomorrow everything will be solved: {
have to complete as many forms today, tomorrow I will feed the random machine ^ ^;

I welcome at this point as possible throughout my ♥ new and "old"
102 reader Glitter Ponies !

Best regards, Your Sleep Pony